We’re moving to our own home!

I’m so thrilled to announce that the Chasing Dreams Website is now mostly glitch free. There are still one or two little tweaks we need to give it, but the blog issues are now resolved. *happy dance*

With that in mind, this post serves as an announcement to let everyone know that I’ll  be moving everything over to http://www.chasingdreamspublishing.com where regular posting will become a reality instead of an unfulfilled wish. I’ve deliberately avoided posting too much up here, because of the imminent move – my fingernails will be glad of the respite now that the majority of problems are resolved and I can update regularly.

The current posts up here will remain open, but everything will be linked back to the website and no further posts will be put up on WordPress.

I do hope that you’ll choose to follow us over to the new site and thank you so much for supporting me here.