*Blog Tour Review: “The Forever Night Stand” by Bena Roberts

The Forever Night Stand

Today’s review is for The Forever Night Stand, a novella written by Bena Roberts and hosted by  Rachel’s Random Resources.



A two hour romance which starts with drama and mayhem!

Sara has her back up against the wall. She is recovering from the side effects of chemotherapy and at her own “cancer free” party, she makes a decision that will change her life forever.

The adventure begins when she leaves her posh lifestyle in Scotland and moves in with her Bollywood loving parents, in West London. Her parents are tragically ashamed of Sara’s actions and her electronic monitor. She decides to make them happy again and considers re-marrying.

Enter Raj, a possible hero who comes with the promise of a huge Indian wedding in Goa!

George, the childhood love of her life who seems to be hanging around every corner. Or should she just go back to her husband? Sara faces the biggest dilemma of her life, after making the colossal mistake of her life. What will she do and whom will she choose?

Quill Reviews

I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to review this novella after reading Blind Dates, Big Love & Six Tinder Weeks by the same author.

As much as I loved Roberts’ novel, I unfortunately can’t say the same for The Forever Night Stand.

The stream of consciousness style of writing is becoming more popular, but among some of the risks with this style is that it can end up feeling like a mismatched collection of strange metaphors designed to either amuse or philosophise, which is exactly what happens in this novella.

There were times when I reread lines, or entire scenes, wondering whether the characters were on drugs the entire time, and frankly, George is just a bit creepy.

The saving grace for the novella is that Roberts’ has a keen grasp of the vagaries of human nature, and her observations are sharp and witty, without trying too hard.

Sadly, The Forever Night Stand just didn’t draw me in as much as her novel did. It gets three out of five feathers.

Purchase the novel from Amazon, Kobo, Nook, or Smashwords.

*I received a free copy of the book from Rachel’s Random Resources in exchange for an honest review.

About the Author

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Bena Roberts was a journalist and analyst. Now she prefers the title novelist and romance adventurist. She graduated in England 1994 and then with a Masters in 1997.

Born in 1973, Bena lived in West London until she was 24. Then she lived and worked in Budapest, Bruges, Prague, Amsterdam, Vienna, Hamburg and Munich. She currently resides in Germany, between Heidelberg and Frankfurt. Although she still refers to London as ‘home.’

Bena successfully created a technology blog which gained funding, had lunch with Steve Ballmer and was ‘top 50 most influential woman in mobile.’ Her blog also won several awards including Metro Best Blog.

Bena has two children, loves small dogs and always writes books with a cup of Earl Grey.

Bena’s favorite literary style is black humor, and she hopes to offer a unique voice in this area. Her books aim to confront the darkest of life experiences, with levity. Most of her writing is heavy hitting yet also entertaining.

Also –  Available My Cake! A short story

Pre-Order Tammy&Lisa – How far would you go to protect your teenage son?

Social Media Links 


Amazon Authorhttps://www.amazon.com/Bena-Roberts/e/B076ZRDW8G


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