To a year of chasing dreams!

Welcome to 2017 everyone! I truly hope that this year will mark a new beginning of wonder, a middle of everything that’s beautiful, and an ending of circumstances that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

A new year is normally a time for resolutions, but I’ve never been fond of making those, so I’ll just tell you what I have planned for Chasing Dreams in the next few months:

Dream in Words Competition


I’m so excited about this competition. Even though Chasing Dreams is still a small one-person startup, I’m collaborating with an amazing artist and people who are passionate about writing to hold this event. The deadline is really close, so if you’ve got a story that you would love to bring to life, make sure to send your synopsis and first three chapters through to before the 31st January.

Jozi Flash 2017

At the end of 2015, the Jozi Wrino’s organised a Flash Fiction Anthology challenge. The resulting stories were published by Chasing Dreams in 2016 in a free to download e-book. The stories are a crazy, topsy-turvy mix of genres, with the only common theme being the prompts and the fact that the authors are all South African.

This year we’re doing it again, with amazing artwork from Nico Venter providing prompts across 8 different genres. The anthology will again be available, free to download from the end of March 2017.

You can download the original Jozi Flash Anthology here.

After the End


Due to the holidays and the general chaos with which 2016 ended (for both myself and Sharon), the release of After the End has been extended to 20 March 2017.

For those who don’t know, Sharon is currently living on a farm in a small town in South Africa, and building her own house out of recycled materials. After the End features ten short stories from her which explore life in post-apocalyptic worlds. While Sharon’s own circumstances are far from post-apocalyptic, she certainly has some experience with surviving disastrous circumstances and starting life afresh, with new adventures every day.

The extra time taken to polish and refine After the End, will make it a collection well-worth owning.

If you would like to be involved in the blog tour which has been moved to 13th to 19th March 2017, please signup here.

I’m looking forward to sharing a year full of dreams with you. Here’s to 2017!
